Not Your Average Charity

We don't have a suite of offices, slick TV commercials, CEO salaries or the huge, ungainly structure common to the big charities. We have, instead, the drive and motivation to deliver aid directly to real people in a positive and integrated way. Rather than scatter donations to the wind, a little here and a little there, we concentrate our efforts in small areas, establishing ourselves in the community... and get things done..
Its all in our name...

We provide services to those in need, regardless of age, sex, race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or political or religious opinion or affiliation.
A Charity with Atitude...
Yep, we are a little cocky, a little proud, and a little forward.
After all, If we didn't think we had the right stuff, the right ideas and approach, and something new to offer, we could have worked for someone else.
We are dedicated to using your money wisely, frugally and with your best intentions in mind. Explore our site... ask lots of questions. We are confident you will find that AMEDICAusa is a great cause and organization with whom you can entrust your charity dollars.
After all, If we didn't think we had the right stuff, the right ideas and approach, and something new to offer, we could have worked for someone else.
We are dedicated to using your money wisely, frugally and with your best intentions in mind. Explore our site... ask lots of questions. We are confident you will find that AMEDICAusa is a great cause and organization with whom you can entrust your charity dollars.